Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Snowmen, Steelers, and Incredible Thinkers

This week we finished up talking about America, and we began talking about countries around the world. When concluding our discussion of America, we were discussing the different freedoms we have in this country. We talked about how we can choose a place to worship, and how we can read the Bible, and our privelege to vote for our leaders. One friend asked if we had to vote since we lived in America. I explained that you don't have to vote, but it is your responsibility as a citizen in this country. At hearing that, she exclaimed, "But Miss Beck, I don't know how to vote!" I told her she couldn't vote until she was an adult and that she would learn how, and she was very relieved to hear it.

When we were discussing having the freedom to choose a place of worship and the freedom to read the Bible, I mentioned that people in some other countries are not allowed to do those things. My KinderFriends couldn't believe it! The answer was simple to them: "Why don't they just move so they can do those things?" That gave us a wonderful opportunity to discuss why people come to this country, both in the past and now. I have to say I'm proud of the way my KinderFriends think :)

Our classroom is all hyped up about the Steelers going to the Super Bowl (although I must admit, I'm probably one of the most excited!!). Because of our snow day last Friday, we didn't get to make something to show our support before the AFC Title game, so we are making up for it now! Expect lots of football talk from us for the next few weeks, and lots of learning through it!

Check out the snowman activities we did last week. Enjoy!!

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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

MLK Jr. from a Kindergarten Perspective

Today we talked all day about Martin Luther King, Jr. We talked about what he did for our country. We discussed how we can help each other and get along. We had a few very good discussions too. One friend mentioned that the person who shot Dr. King didn't even know him, so what reason did he have to shoot him. After discussing that not everyone agreed with what Dr. King believed, another friend matter-of-factly stated that "they just need to think like his brain." But my favorite moment came at the end of the day. A friend grabbed a book from the shelf about Dr. King and asked another friend who it was. He replied, "That's Bill Martin, Jr.!" We discussed this author earlier in the year, so I guess I should be grateful he remembered!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Winter Animals

Check out some of the winter animal activities we did last week!

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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Christmas Break is over...I need another!

I was hoping to post the activities that we did in class during the last few weeks of December sometime earlier during the break, but one thing teaching Kindergarten has taught me is: things don't always go as planned.

My nephew had to be admitted to the hospital on Christmas evening, which meant that his 4 older sisters (ages 9, 6, 3, and 2) were spending the week with me and my parents! While I absolutely enjoyed spending time with them, I didn't get a whole lot done, which is why this post is delayed. My nephew is home now, and you can check out my sister-in-law's chronicling of this past week on her blog here.

I must say I am really looking forward to going back to school tomorrow. For the routine of a normal day, for one, but mostly because I'm really excited to see my KinderFriends and to hear all about their week off. I've missed my little friends!

So, at last, enjoy the activities from our weeks before Christmas!

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