Monday, November 15, 2010

Class Pets and Places on Earth

Have you met our class pets?

This is Milo. Milo has been with us since the beginning of the school year. Milo sits in the center of our classroom and watches everything we do. He likes to hide in his plant.

This is Mickey. Mickey was a new addition to our classroom on Election Day (November 2). When we introduce a new letter, I have a letter box filled with things that begin with the new letter. Every time I would bring the letter box out, I would inevitably hear, "Is it a frog?" We learned about the letter Ff on Nov. 2, and I decided it would be a nice treat for there to actually be a frog in the box. What a surprise! We then voted (since it was Election Day ;) on a name and came up with Mickey! He is a very active frog, and my KinderFriends especially like when he is burbling (has all his limbs spread out and stands on one leg).

And finally...places on Earth. Today we were talking about different places around the world, and I posed a question to my friends, a question that I have a hard time answering because I can't choose just one. Here's the question: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? The answers running through my mind are Hawaii, California, Paris, Rome, Greece...the list goes on and on. Here are a few responses I got:
"To the beach"
"To the airport"

Time to start acquiring that knowledge of the world!

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